Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cardboard Boxes

This is what my life has seemed to turn into.
Nothing but brown, cardboard boxes filled with objects that symbolize my life.
A life I can never seem to remove from it's home it has grown to know so well.
Stability is not an option.
No... Stability has never been an option.
Just pick up and leave.
Every time the same as before.
More new memories in a place I don't want to call 'home'.
A place I never will call 'home'.
Home is where the heart is.
Cliche'.... I know.
But my heart isn't locked in a building with those people.
Home is where you feel love and safety.
Those feelings are foreign here.
This place is not my 'home'.
Not any more than the cardboard boxes are my 'home'.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Love Bugs?

I used to have tons of pet ladybugs. But only two of them meant the most. Sputnick and Stumblebum. We assumed they were boy and girl. But I killed them... On accident of course. I would never take a life... And especially the life of a ladybug. My poor dears suffered death while I suffered from insanity. I was too consumed in the way he looked at me... The way he made me feel. Such a tragedy. Both my temporary insanity, some call it 'love', and they deaths of my ladybugs. Maybe our love died when Sputnick and Stumblebum died. Far fetched? Maybe but it's the only reasonable explanation my heart can come up with. Nothing else makes sense..

This is Sputnick. He's the boy...


Green AND Leafy

Did you know that asparagus makes your pee smell weird? I've never noticed.. I don't fancy the green substance anyway. But if you eat some... be sure to tell me how your pee smells.

Dear Pacific Day:

Won't you come and take me away?
The low December tide shows us the only way in and the only way out.
The high tide could carry me so far away...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

My God, He was, My God, He is, My God is always gonna be..

I came across a picture the other day and it really got me thinking..
Here's the picture:


It made me realize that I've been claiming to live this life for Christ when I've recently fallen and forgot about the Savior. I need to start letting God write my life story instead of me trying to write my own. Because it's not my own, it's His alone. All of me is His. He laid on that cross.... and He thought of me. And of you. So living for Him is not such a big price but it's what He wants.